Friday, November 6, 2009


  1. I agree with your comment about being open and curious rather than controlling. but many people can't handle that blatent honesty. i found that once folks got used to me doing it, then they really were on my side.

  2. Susan,

    I first want to say I started reading your book Getting Real and I love it. I found you via Brad Blanton and I find your book better geared to my personality. I also bought two other books by you (Saying What's Real & Truth In Dating)and I will get to them once I finish this one.

    I have found the more I open up and am real the more space this allows for the other person to do the same. Vulnerability seems to pull the same out of the other person.

    I have a friend of mine who I've talked to about your book and she actually opened up more to a guy she's dating which in turn got him to open up. She risked the relationship in a way by sharing what she shared but it only deepened her connection.

